Ave Vision Bartosz Świgoń ul. Rubież 46 61-612 Poznań
NIP 972-087-13-77 REGON 300456080


Ave Vision is a company that for many years working in construction of complex buildings in fair trade sector. Our stands are formed at many industry events throughout Europe. For the benefit of our clients we work with many contractors in the field of logistics, media, catering, security, model-ing, etc. Our range is precisely tailored to the needs of both clients of stationary system (eg type oc-tanorm), as well as the approach to individual clients. In conjunction with a flexible pricing policy, our stand will increase your prestige and challenge the highest expectations.

Our designers are efficient and professional visionaries. Thanks to their creativity and ingenuity, our stands can arouse admiration and appreciation at many events. It’s evidenced by the numerous awards won at national and international events.

Constant monitoring of the market and participation in the most important fairs in Europe, allows us the usage of the latest technical innovations and follows the global trends in architecture, design and exhibitions.

We approach each project individually. On the one hand, we put into practice solutions developed over the years, on the other hand, we are not afraid of bold and innovative ideas. At each stage of progress we consult them with You so that they are always tailored to your needs.

Our work is a passion.

Many have trusted us – You might join to them!